Main / Competitor Analysis Case Study
Innovative Banks Ranking
To screen banks for innovation activity and identify new digitization trends for the banking sector.
  • Methodology for assessing banking innovativeness developed by 18 criteria in six thematic blocks;
  • the banks scored and the ten most innovative ones selected;
  • innovation dynamics evaluated and compared against prior years.
Mobile Real Estate Developers Apps
To determine the Customer’s bearings relative to the competition, learn the best practices competitors use, and tailor those to developing their own product.
  • A digital service functionality matrix formed with baseline, preferential and innovative functions defined;
  • standard and best practices, and product development recommendations, described.
$450m Revenue Property developer
Designing a Digital Service for Startup Identification and Support
To determine the Customer’s bearings relative to the competition, learn the best practices competitors use, and tailor those to developing their own product .
  • International best practices analyzed and long-term development trends for the service in question identified based on the activity of 15 global companies;
  • a questionnaire developed and 53 CustDev interviews conducted among five groups of target audiences;
  • target audiences representatives contacted for a design thinking session in an effort to build the user’s behavioral model;
  • a clickable service prototype developed, complete with a plan and parameters of MVP launch; implementation of digital services within the product prioritized and described.
non-profit organization